Born on may 10th, 2010







Tony is at home


Home sweet home

Anthony arrives home from the maternity center



Susan, Tony and Zeljko


Mommy Susan, Anthony and daddy Zeljko in the backyard of their own home in Fort Mill soaking up the daylight





Daddy and son


While Tony is asleep he is holding on to his daddy's finger, just so he wouldn't fall





Anthony Koljesar


Tony is studying the world around him



Cute baby


In his heaven at home Tony tasks are to eat, sleep and grow






Do not disturb


Anthony had his days and nights mixed up but eventually he figured it out





After bath


After his bath Tony put on his robe so he stay warm and dry off






Big boy


After his sleep, meal, and bath Tony is ready for his date. What a stud!





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See pages:


Anthony Was Born


Anthony sleeps, sucks and grows



Photo Album